
DuPage County Divorce Lawyer Blog


Programs to Protect Children in Domestic Relations Litigation

Divorce litigation affects children, especially if they are living in a contentious atmosphere.  In an effort to minimize the impact of the legal process on children, counties in Illinois have implemented programs and procedures to keep children out of the courtroom, and facilitate resolution of parenting issues in domestic relations…


Imputation of Income for the Purposes of Calculating Maintenance in Illinois

Section 504 of the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act addresses maintenance.  The Internal Revenue Service calls it “alimony” on tax forms, and it’s sometimes called spousal support.   Under the law, upon the entry of a judgment for dissolution of marriage (a divorce decree), one spouse may be…


Illinois Child Support: Modification in the Event of a Job Loss

Under Illinois law, child support may be modified upon a substantial change in circumstances.  Normally, a job loss is considered a substantial change in circumstances which would warrant a modification of child support, but sometimes it isn’t.  This post discusses two cases, and the reasons why the courts reached different…


Can your spouse be required to pay your attorney fees under Illinois law?

In Illinois, during a divorce, either party can ask the court to order the other party to pay some or all of his or her attorney fees while the case is pending.  Section 501(c-1) of the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act provides in pre-judgment (pre-decree) divorce cases, the…


Can You File Bankruptcy to Discharge Your Family Support Obligations?

In this current economy, many people find themselves underwater in their mortgage payments, credit card debts, car loans, student loans, and the like.  In certain situations, filing for bankruptcy may seem like a “get out of jail free” card to rid yourself of all the suffocating debt that you’ve racked…


Szyfranski v. Dunston: Illinois Contract Law and Frozen Embryos

Fertility treatments and agreements for the purposes of preserving fertility down the road have become more commonplace in recent years.  When disputes arise regarding who has control of the embryos, Illinois courts will look to contract law to resolve them.   In the case of Szafranski v. Dunston, the parties, Jacob…


Is Money Withdrawn from an IRA “Income” for Child Support Purposes?

  It is common for a child support payor to be required to pay a percentage of any additional income above and beyond a base percentage of his or her income.  This additional income may include, for example, bonuses, commissions, or work from side jobs. Illinois courts define income as…

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