
Articles Posted in Guardianship


Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: Illinois Law on Legal Standing

In society today, how we define what makes up a family is extremely diverse. Many children today are born and raised in unmarried or single-parent households. Often, extended family members, including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and adult siblings, raise and even adopt children. Courts previously made rulings and upheld laws in…


Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: Guardianship of a Minor in Illinois

Most people know a neighbor, friend, or family member who provides full-time care for a grandchild.  In fact, grandparents raising grandchildren is a growing trend among families in the US.  According to the AARP, nationwide nearly 5.8 million grandchildren live with their grandparents, and it is estimated that over 2.5…


The Indian Child Welfare Act: Child Custody, Adoption, and Guardianship

In most child custody, adoption, and foster care placement cases, Illinois state law governs.  However, Congress passed a federal law in 1978 called the Indian Child Welfare Act, also known as “ICWA,” which creates a different burden of proof and set of standards for Native American children in child custody, adoption,…

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