Until January 1, 2016, Illinois law addressed disputes regarding child-related issues in divorce and parentage cases in terms of “custody” and “visitation.” The term “custody” referred to both decision-making authority regarding the children (called legal custody), and where the children lived the majority of the time (called residential custody). The…
Articles Posted in Child Custody
The New Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act Effective January 1, 2016
Divorces in Illinois have been governed by the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act, originally enacted in 1979. Since then, changes in family dynamics, including recent developments in Illinois law related to same-sex marriage, parentage, adoption, and in areas of embryo preservation and rights, rendered the law outdated and…
The Indian Child Welfare Act: Child Custody, Adoption, and Guardianship
In most child custody, adoption, and foster care placement cases, Illinois state law governs. However, Congress passed a federal law in 1978 called the Indian Child Welfare Act, also known as “ICWA,” which creates a different burden of proof and set of standards for Native American children in child custody, adoption,…
Requests for Mental Health Examination in Illinois Child Custody Cases
There is a certain irrationality inherent in contentious divorce and child custody cases. Many people going through such an experience might label their spouse as mentally unstable. If such mental instability is an actual psychological condition, as opposed to mere name calling, it can be particularly relevant when custody of…
International Custody Disputes: the Hague Convention and Non-Signatory Countries.
A man named Abel, his wife, Betty, and their son, Charlie, have lived in Illinois for the past five years. One winter morning, as Abel is walking out of the house to go to work, he notices that Betty is wearing an exceptionally garish Hawaiian shirt and looks like she’s…
Child Custody and Equitable Adoption in Illinois
Adoption is one part of family law that doesn’t get much press, perhaps because it isn’t as contentious as the division of assets and debts in a divorce or as emotional as a hotly contested custody battle. Whatever the reason, adoption is typically an area of lightness amidst the often…